programs & projects

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feast of pentecost

feast of pentecost

feast of pentecost

celebration ministries


feast of pentecost

feast of pentecost

feast of pentecost

feast of pentecost

The last crusade

Sam & Kevin

Gary Durham

calvary bapist

Israel with Steve & Jayne Foss

Jerusalem Day 2020

Janis Nelson

Pastors Tour 2023

Bridges For Peace in Israel

Follow the Light on the footsteps of Jesus with Sam & Kevin Sorbo

Feast of Weeks Shavuot

poland jewish heritage tours


Middle East Forum trip to Central Europe: Warsaw, Budapest, and Vienna.

Impact 2020 in Israel.

feast of pentecost

Follow the Light on the footsteps of Jesus with Sam & Kevin Sorbo

Israel with Janis Nelson

The Rebel Media is pleased to invite you to a special fact-finding expeditions to Israel

poland jewish heritage tours

poland jewish heritage tours

feast of pentecost

poland jewish heritage tours

poland jewish heritage tours





poland jewish heritage tours

fact Finding trip to Cyprus

Fact Finding exepdition to Israel

fact finding mission to israel

Advanced Bible study program, Israel

Advanced Bible study program, Israel

Juneteenth Celebrations, Israel 2014

fact Finding trip to Cyprus

fact finding mission to israel

ten commandments commission

sister city events

cantors tour summer 2013

garden beautitudes


state of the art evevts and productions since 1979

The Heritage Study Programs is not just a tour or trip, it is an experience unmatched by any other group, travel organization of tour operator. The program start months before the groups arrive in Isreal. The program begins with a Holy Land course consisting of 12 comprehensive classes. This is available to churches to be taught by the participating pastors. It is also available for study group cells and for individualswho wish to study at home. The study program is supplied with an easy instruction booklet that explanis how best to both teach and learn the program. By the time Herritage Study Programs participants arrive in Isreal they are well versed in the history, archaelology and terrain of the Holy Land

Class 1 Geographical survey of the Land of Israel

Class 2 Biblical Prophesy on the Rebirth of Israel

Class 3 The Hebrew books "It is Written" - "It is said"

Class 4 In the footsteps of Jesus - Ancient Routes in the Land of Israel'

Class 5 Using the Bible as my Guide

Class 6 History of the Holy Land

Class 7 Complete maps from Genesis to Modern Time

Class 8 Religious sects in the time of Jesus - Pharisees, Sadducees, Essens.

Class 9 The Tabernacle

Class 10 The Temple and the Priesthood

Class 11 Biblical Archaeology in the 19th and 20th centuries

Class 12 Jerusalem Topography and Biblical History

*Additional Class available for the Feast of Pentecost

Video presentation - Heritage Study Programs click here…